
Classic 11th-century commentary known for its concise and clear explanations and considered a key resource in studying Talmud.


12th-century commentary by Rashi’s grandson, printed in place of Rashi’s commentary on most of Bava Batra and alongside Rashi on the last chapter of Pesachim.


Analytic commentary addressing textual difficulties and harmonizing conflicting passages, composed throughout the 12th and 13th centuries.

Chiddushei Ramban

Influential 13th-century analytic commentary incorporating approaches from a wide range of earlier commentators.


11th-century code that presents practical legal conclusions of talmudic passages and served later authorities as a basis for determining law.

Commentary of the Rosh

13th or 14th-century commentary of Rabbi Asher ben Yechiel on tractates Nedarim, Nazir, and Tamid.

Ktav Yad Rashi

Manuscript of Rashi’s 11th-century commentary on tractates Menachot and Bekhorot, included in printed editions of the Talmud.


13th-century commentary with digest-like summaries of the Talmud’s conclusions and earlier interpretations.


Chiddushei HaRa'ah

Piskei Tosafot

Medieval work summarizing the bottom-line legal conclusions that emerge from the Tosafists’ Talmud commentary.

Rabbeinu Chananel

First extensive Talmud commentary, compiled in the 11th-century, paraphrasing legal passages and noting their conclusions.

Rabbeinu Gershom

10th or 11th-century commentary on Ta’anit, Bava Batra, and the tractates of Seder Kodashim, among the earliest of Ashkenazi talmudic interpretations.


14th-century commentary on tractate Nedarim, printed alongside the text of the Talmud and considered the foremost commentary on the tractate.


13th-century commentary by Rabbi Shlomo ibn Aderet, a student of the Ramban who largely followed the methodology of his teacher.

Rav Nissim Gaon

11th-century commentary by a teacher of the Rif and rosh yeshiva in Kairouan, printed alongside the Talmud in tractates Berakhot, Shabbat, and Eruvin.

Ri Migash

12th-century commentary by R. Joseph ibn Migash


14th-century commentary by Rabbi Yom Tov ben Avraham Assevilli, a student of the Rashba and the Re’ah.


Influential 14th-century code presenting practical legal conclusions of talmudic passages, based on the work of the Rif.

Tosafot HaRosh

14th-century commentary of Rabbi Asher ben Yechiel, based in large part on commentaries of the Tosafists.

Tosafot Ri HaZaken

Commentary on tractate Kiddushin erroneously published under the name of a 12th-century French Tosafist, but in fact the work of 14th-century Rabbi Avraham min Hahar.

Tosafot Shantz

13th-century commentary attributed to the French Tosafist Rabbi Shimshon of Sens, printed alongside the text of tractate Sotah.

Tosafot Yeshanim

Additional commentary of the Tosafists, traditionally printed alongside the text of the Talmud in several tractates.

Yad Ramah

13th-century commentary of Rabbi Meir Abulafia, known by his acronym “Ramah,” a leading rabbinic figure in medieval Spain.